Hello, There
I bet you’re one of the many people in our generation looking for a more meaningful life, beyond the out-dated traditional jobs. And maybe you’re also one of the ones that think you don’t have a clear idea of what you truly want. But if you dig deeper just a little deeper, I’m willing to bet you actually do have a very defined vision.
Maybe what’s actually holding you back is that you think you’re not quite ______ (insert your Achilles heal of self-doubt) enough to make it happen. Am I right? Well with a little coaxing and a little planning – we can help you create a more meaningful life for yourself.
I work with conscious professionals who are ready to quit their 9-5 job and join the generation revolutionizing what it means to lead a meaningful life. Through 1:1 coaching sessions and retreats in Bali, I help you get to know yourself better, taste the expat way of life, and build a plan to make that life permanent for you.
If I found a more meaningful way of living, everybody can: my story
My journey to living this meaningful, location-independent life started with an internship in the New York art world in my mid-twenties. I loved the city, and the way it made me feel: alive, powerful in the capital of the world. I saw myself settling down there, finding a partner and raising my kids. But life had a different plan for me: for visa reasons, I wasn’t allowed to work in the United States anymore and I had to find a job elsewhere. Moving to London and starting a new life there was very traumatic for me. The magic I’d found in NYC was lost and I became stressed in a job that required me to sometimes work 14-hour days. I was on the edge of a burnout.